Thursday, August 5, 2010


My Squishy Peanut cannot exist without including Jyllian, so I'm moving my blog to a new address!  You can find my new blog by clicking here (SquishyPeanutGirl).  I didn't go away, just moved to keep up with the times! 

See you at the new blog!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Family

Since I'm catching up - what's one more post?!  Who knows when the next one will be!  I had to show off my family - I love 'em!

Fathers Day
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2 weeks old

In the time it has taken me to post this, Jyllian is a day away from being 3 weeks old...  It was a busy week/weekend and I'm a slacker!  Kamden turned 4 Saturday, so we had his party at our house, Sunday was Father's Day - we spent our day visiting 3 dads, Monday Jyllian had her 2 week appointment, Tuesday Kamden had his 4 year old checkup and it was my Mom's birthday - whew!  The rest of the days of this week have been spent making Jyllian happy.  Jyllian loves to be held - even the pediatrician noticed this at her appointment.  I can lay her on the couch, or put her in the swing, or in her bouncer, but she is happiest and sleeps longest with me, in my arms.  I think she could sleep most of the night if she was in my arms, however, sleeping sitting up is not comfortable, and not something I want her getting used to!  It appears she is already spoiled and knows what she likes!  She isn't partial to me, any set of arms will do, except when she is hungry!  So far we appear to be colic free, but I will not declare it so until we hit the month mark... 
I gave Jyllian her first "real" bath on Tuesday - once we got the water level right, she just lounged and enjoyed it!  Look at those cheeks - the only chubby part on her!

2 week stats:
     Length - 20.75 inches (60%) - she's grown .25 inches since birth
     Weight - 8 pounds 1 ounce (45%) - gained 9 ounces since leaving the hospital
     Head - 36.6 cm (65%)

She's growing like she should!  I waited 9 months for her to be born, now I don't want her to grow up!!!

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Birthday Boy!

My baby boy turned four on Saturday the 19th - I can't believe it!  It doesn't seem that long ago that me and Denin would have him in our arms bouncing on an exercise ball to keep the kid from crying!  Kamden amazes me everyday...  He is sweet and shy (until he gets to know you - then he will talk your ear off), but he is all boy - he loves to play outside, he seems to be naturally athletic, can be fearless, but will be a chicken until he tries it, and has an infectious personality.   He loves cars, superheros, and sports.

Happy 4th Birthday Peanut!!!
Tuesday he went to the doctor for his 4 year old checkup - he's healthy and huge!  Of course, I knew he was big, but the numbers confirm it:
                          Height - 42 & 7/8 inches (94%)
                         Weight - 41.8 pounds (85%)
                          Head - not given, but it is larger than Kole's!
He's the size of a 5 year old!  Denin and I aren't giants - so how is it that our boys are so big?! 
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Play Ball!

This year we put Kole in machine pitch baseball in hopes it would hold his attention better than t-ball - I couldn't handle another season of Kole digging for bugs in the grass!  He still had his moments of looking at the airplanes flying by, screaming back and forth with his teammates, and just not paying attention in general, but he had fun!  Kole would get so excited to hit the ball and not strike out, it didn't happen every time, but he did great!

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1 Week Old!

I can't believe Jyllian is a week old already! It's gone by so fast, but yet it seems like it has been a looooooong week - I guess sleep deprivation has a way of making you feel like that! She's been a pretty good baby, but then again, all we do at this point is eat, sleep, poop, and cry. So far her crying is consolable, keep your fingers crossed that in the next week the curse of the angry Peterson doesn't rear it's ugly head (COLIC)! Below are the most recent pictures - she's so sweet!

The boys' still love her. They constantly want to hug her and kiss her, sweet, but it is always when she is asleep! It seems like we are always telling them to be quiet - we never realized how loud they were, but now with a sleeping baby, they are having to learn to use their "inside voices!" I'm worried that the novelty of Jyllian will soon wear off, she will no longer be cute to them, and she will become another reason why they get in trouble - hopefully that doesn't happen!  For now they are my big noisy, helpers - willing to do everything but diaper duty!!!!

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My babies

There has been a bit of debate who Jyllian looks like - now you can decide for yourself! 

Both Jyllian and Kole have stork bites and darker hair, Jyllian and Kamden weighed within an ounce of each other.  She has a different mouth and chin, but I'm sure she will have the same big blue eyes!  One thing I hope that makes her completely different from her brothers is a lack of colic - keep your fingers crossed!!!
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