Friday, June 25, 2010

2 weeks old

In the time it has taken me to post this, Jyllian is a day away from being 3 weeks old...  It was a busy week/weekend and I'm a slacker!  Kamden turned 4 Saturday, so we had his party at our house, Sunday was Father's Day - we spent our day visiting 3 dads, Monday Jyllian had her 2 week appointment, Tuesday Kamden had his 4 year old checkup and it was my Mom's birthday - whew!  The rest of the days of this week have been spent making Jyllian happy.  Jyllian loves to be held - even the pediatrician noticed this at her appointment.  I can lay her on the couch, or put her in the swing, or in her bouncer, but she is happiest and sleeps longest with me, in my arms.  I think she could sleep most of the night if she was in my arms, however, sleeping sitting up is not comfortable, and not something I want her getting used to!  It appears she is already spoiled and knows what she likes!  She isn't partial to me, any set of arms will do, except when she is hungry!  So far we appear to be colic free, but I will not declare it so until we hit the month mark... 
I gave Jyllian her first "real" bath on Tuesday - once we got the water level right, she just lounged and enjoyed it!  Look at those cheeks - the only chubby part on her!

2 week stats:
     Length - 20.75 inches (60%) - she's grown .25 inches since birth
     Weight - 8 pounds 1 ounce (45%) - gained 9 ounces since leaving the hospital
     Head - 36.6 cm (65%)

She's growing like she should!  I waited 9 months for her to be born, now I don't want her to grow up!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Love that bath picture! How quickly they grow! Enjoy every second...well, every second that you are actually rested enough to enjoy!
