Monday, February 9, 2009

"You're having a baby"

Denin & I took the boys to Olive Garden for lunch on Sunday - it went surprisingly well, for a meal out! We were eating when Kole made some comment about eating a lot so he would have a big belly like his dad. I tried my best not to laugh, but the table next to us, found it quite humorous - it was an innocent remark that only a child can get away with, but still humiliating and honest. Karma, reared its ugly head tonight...

We were getting ready to eat dinner, Kole asked me, "are you going to have a baby?" My response was, "what would make you ask that Kole?" His response was "because you have a big belly." Fabulous - I know I am no where near the size I want to be or where I should be for health reasons, but hearing it from your 4 (almost 5) year old son, that hurts my pride a little!


  1. I am laughing...even though it isn't funny in the least. You can show my picture to Kole and tell him that is what a pregnant whale looks like so he will realize that you are skinny and beautiful!
