Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I might have only been made it to a Brownie in Girl Scouts, but I can still camp!

We took the boys camping last weekend at the Sandstone (I think - maybe it's soapstone or soap on a rope) campground in the Uinta's. We went with Denin's work and had a blast! It was real camping too - we slept in a tent, used a hole in the ground with a toilet for a restroom, had a campfire, used bug spray, didn't shower, saw a moose, and a deer... So unlike me, isn't it! We were able to walk to the Provo river, which was very cold! The boys found big rocks to throw in the river on Saturday.
Me and the boys - if it looks like Kam is saying "cheese" in every picture, it is because, he is!
Here's a picture of me and Denin - standard picture format because Denin is also the photographer!
On Sunday we went back to the river - with the intent to swim. Kamden took one step in the cold river and decided a piggy back ride was better than walking.
Kole was brave enough we convinced him to join the polar bear club :) That water was soooooo cold - the kid is a fish, he's crazy!
After we got home from camping on Sunday we decided to start the cleansing process with the boys' new slip n' slide!

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