Monday, March 8, 2010

My 6 year old!

I can't believe Kole is 6 today!  Where does time go????  He started out 5 pounds 11 ounces, and now is 51 pounds!!!!  It is amazing to me how he still looks like he did when he was born - some babies drastically change, but other than getting bigger he still looks the same (and just like his dad)!
Unfortunately Kole is sick today, on his birthday :( dumb germs!  I have 30 cupcakes waiting for him to take to school, hopefully he is better so he can take them tomorrow (even in my pregnant state, cake is not my craving)!  He was so disappointed to not go to school today and celebrate his birthday with his friends, and he was bummed because he had to stay home with me today instead of going to Grammy's - I see where I fall on the totem pole!  Happy Birthday Squish!
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1 comment:

  1. Poor Kole! Hope he is feeling much better now! Happy Birthday! Hope my packaged somewhat of a timely manner :-)
