Thursday, January 29, 2009

Valentines, is not really for boys

I was reminded again, of how bad I am at keeping this up to date... I warned you! My mom mentioned, "Katie already has her Valentine stuff up on her blog, yours is still on New Years," I know, I'm slow but really, what do I have to talk about??? So here I am, on to Valentines Day and posting all in 1 night. After I pick my new background, I realize, not very masculine - oh well, some days I need a little femininity!

The boys have been sick the last 2 days. Actually, let me rephrase that, they boys have had fevers, neither one of them has been sickly, or affected by their current ailment, one bit. Denin stayed home with them on Wednesday, I had them today - they have managed to remind me why I work, why I enjoy the captain occasionally, and why there are just the two of them. They fight, they scream, they hit, they tattle, they fib, I am certain their ears are only for decoration, they talk back, they spend a lot of time in time out, they are 2 and 4, they are boys, and they are a product of me and Denin - what else could we expect! But, they are cute, and sweet - sometimes, make me laugh (and cry), usually good for a hug, still take naps (unless they are at grammy's), and go to bed usually at 8. The last 2 help me keep my sanity! See - this is why my blog, goes unattended, I babble about how crazy those two make me!

It is almost February and Kole gearing up for his birthday - he asked me the other day, "Is it my birthday today?" "No Kole" I replied, "well, whose is it" he asked... A little later he asked "Is it my birthday today?" He is psyched for his birthday! Last night we looked at party supplies on the internet, I like Kung Foo Panda, it's still childish, and keeps him my little boy another year... Iron Man, Power Rangers, or some other superhero may win over Panda, but it is his decision.

Kole just woke up coughing his guts out and crying, he was coughing so hard he was gagging. I hold out my hands to catch anything that may come up - ewww, gross, I know, but with Kamden, Denin and I have become quite use to "catching" puke. So I give him a drink, some cough medicine, and he is lying next to me on the couch falling asleep, while listening to the Camp Rock soundtrack on Itunes - he looks so sweet and angelic... The little devil within him will return in the morning I'm certain, but for now, I will enjoy this moment!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy New Year!

Okay, I'm slow, I can admit that... It has been almost a month since my last post - oops! I admit, I have spent my free time, Christmas shopping (before Christmas) and rest of the time playing lego batman (Hey - at least I have saved money by not being on the internet shopping).

We survived Christmas, birthdays, and the New Year and we still have our sanity! The boys had a great Christmas - it's so much fun to watch them open presents! We controlled what we gave the boys this year, and my parents kept it to a minumum to, so this year our house did not look like Toys R' Us threw up in it! Kole and Kam both got Spike the Dinosaur from Santa, but they were not nearly as impressed with Spike as Santa thought they would be :( I would say Grammy and Grandpa won with the favorite gifts, both boys love Kamden's Handy Manny truck, and Kole loves his Leapster (but only to color with - he still wont play the games).

Kole is now preparing for his birthday, he knows in general when it is, because of this... Mommy's birthday was first, then Aunt Tia's, then Uncle Ryans, then Daddy's, then Papa's, then Cousin Charli's, and then KOLES! He is very excited to finally be 5! I can't believe my first born is almost 5! Within the next couple of weeks we will have to make the very important decision of what party theme, I bet it will be Iron Man, but then again, he could surprise me.

With the holiday craziness over, we have begun to work with Kam and potty training. He actually is doing pretty good, not fully trained, but not near as frustrating as Kole was. Hopefully he keeps it up - as an incentive I have promised him a Cars Leapster (so he can color like Kole), he really wants it, so keep your fingers crossed! I will keep you posted (ha ha - get it, posted...) on his progress!