Saturday, June 20, 2009

Three At Last!

3 years ago a little boy was swaddled so tight in a blanket the nurse said he looked like a peanut... Kamden Jared Peterson was born, 7 pounds 13 ounces - and now that little peanut is three, I can't believe it! Here's a look at how he has changed over the last three years.

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Almost Three!

I can't believe Kamden turns 3 tomorrow! He's my baby, my little peanut! I like to tease the boys that it is my birthday instead of theirs - here's a clip of my conversation with Kam (It's short - the camera battery died on me). I will post more tomorrow for the birthday boy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Calgon, take me away!

It amazes me how different 2 children can be...

Both Kole and Kamden are rambunctious, energetic, destructive boys. They both love cars, playing outside, super heroes - just playing in general, they both are good kids, full of curiosity, challenging at times, funny, but they have very different personalities! Kole is very much Denin, but repeats everything I say! Kole is gentle, caring, tender hearted, out going, timid at first but then daring, not real "lovey" (my mom blames me - says I was just like that), he is the negotiator, loves the color orange, likes soda, prefers fruits over veggies, prefers cheeze-its over gold fish, eats non stop, is tall and skinny, and left handed! Kamden looks angelic and has an infectious personality, although still young, I believe he is going to be the mean/feisty one (don't know where he could possibly get that...), a tender heart too, shy (at first), he does not like anyone bossing him around (I don't know how my times I'm told by him "you not the boss" as he moves his neck back and forth and closes his eyes), timid thus far, more "lovey" than Kole, likes veggies over fruit, dislikes soda, prefers gold fish over cheeze-its, really isn't a big snacker, is tall but solid, and most likely a righty. I remember having many trying days with Kole during his 2-3 year old time span, Kamden, not so much until recently, but the worst was tonight. Kamden went from happy boy to screaming and crying so hard he was gagging - I had never seen him like this before, over taking a shower - that he wanted to take! I can remember Kole being so mad, it seemed like the harder I tried to calm him, the more hysterical he became - just like me, Kamden has never been like that. Kam went to the Zoo today for a field trip with daycare and then we had t-ball tonight, so with all of that activity he was exhausted, but I wasn't sure if I should bathe him or have him exorcised! One-and-a-half weeks until Kamden turns 3, and now the terrible two's are rearing their ugly head!

In case you are wondering - yes, I have my new "accessories," or "Dolly's" as my mom started calling them (you know, like Dolly Parton). No they are not Dolly Parton size! Everything went well, I slept from Friday until about mid-Sunday - I slept so much the white of my eyes were white (as opposed to the standard blood shot look), I don't think I was too much of a burden on Denin, and overall, it was not as bad as I was expecting. Going back to work was no fun, but that had nothing to do with the recovery, just work in general!