Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pink or Blue?

After my last doctors appointment on December 11th, I was determined to find out the gender of our baby - I really wanted to know for Christmas. Today Denin and I went to Fetal Foto in hopes of finding out what we were having, since our last ultrasound was still merely a guess, today it became certain - IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited and anxious, I have 2 boys, I know what boys like, what they do, how they act, but a girl...

She did give us a thumbs up sign as her first picture
(I have no idea what the rest of the picture is!)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Have you ever tried to limit a 3 year old and a 5 year old to one thing to ask Santa for?! Kole was easy, he would always say he wanted a Constructicon Decepticon from Transformers 2, Kamden on the other hand was a different story! Kamden would usually rattle off Handy Manny Motorcycle, a camera, Wolverine Truck, and occasionally Iron Man - but anything he saw on TV, he wanted, and said he was going to ask Santa for! It made me crazy, do you realize how many commercials for toys are on this time of year????

We took the boys to Christmas Village - they got to look at Christmas lights and see Santa all in one stop! Kole was predictable, and asked Santa for his Transformer, Kamden was scared of Santa... Daddy sat on Santa's lap, and Kam sat on Daddy's lap, but he shyly admitted to Santa he wanted a truck. When Santa inquired what kind of truck, he said a Wolverine Truck. I can't believe we got him to talk to Santa!