Monday, February 23, 2009

It was 75 degrees and sunny in Arizona last weekend

I can't believe it is the last week in February - holy cow! Denin & I just got back from Arizona, it was so warm and beautiful (ugly and cold here)- why did we move back?! Okay, I know why... family, but I still miss it, especially our friends! We spent Wednesday night through Sunday morning with our friends Courtney & Jim and their son Caden, I had to work a little bit, but we still had a great time. We spend most of our trip eating - we miss some of the restaurants in Phoenix so we eat, and eat, and eat some more, and when we aren't eating we usually are shopping! Peter Piper Pizza is our favorite! Yes, our favorite is a restaurant much like Chuck E. Cheese, perhaps we need to grow up, or realize pizza is not a food group, but we use to eat there almost daily when we lived in our apartment in Glendale, and now we have withdrawals - we get to eat there twice a visit and only once a year :( I wont recap much more of the visit since Courtney has already posted her recap of our visit!

Jim & Court let us stay with them, even though Courtney is now less than 3 weeks away from her scheduled delivery of baby boy #2, and I'm sure our visit disrupted valuable nesting time! Jim survived me... I believe I still scare him, even though he has known me for over 8 years now, but I am loud and sarcastic, and nicknamed him Suzy and Denin Floozy, for their interest in brightly colored Martinis! So, thank you for putting up with us/me! We were a complete mystery to Caden, but of course Denin won his affections quickly - next time we will bring the boys! While we played in Phoenix, the boys stayed at Grammy & Grandpa's - I believe everyone survived, the boys had fun, and when we came back they still listened to us (sometimes they can be quite challenging after a day at Grammy's, much less 5 days)!

We will take the family back to Arizona in a couple of month's after Courtney has the baby, that should be an adventure, but then we can go back to Peter Piper Pizza!!!!! (Courtney, I promise, I like you more than the pizza - I promise).

Monday, February 9, 2009

"You're having a baby"

Denin & I took the boys to Olive Garden for lunch on Sunday - it went surprisingly well, for a meal out! We were eating when Kole made some comment about eating a lot so he would have a big belly like his dad. I tried my best not to laugh, but the table next to us, found it quite humorous - it was an innocent remark that only a child can get away with, but still humiliating and honest. Karma, reared its ugly head tonight...

We were getting ready to eat dinner, Kole asked me, "are you going to have a baby?" My response was, "what would make you ask that Kole?" His response was "because you have a big belly." Fabulous - I know I am no where near the size I want to be or where I should be for health reasons, but hearing it from your 4 (almost 5) year old son, that hurts my pride a little!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hot Dog!

(Yes, 2 posts in less than a week - I believe I shall find myself a gold star)

Saturday we took the boys to Playhouse Disney Live - and we survived! Me, Denin, and my parents (4 adults to 2 boys - there is strength in numbers) took the kids on the Frontrunner to Salt Lake and rode Trax to the Gateway. We went to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch, and took the boys to Build-a-Bear. Kole made a Panda, appropriately named Kung Fu Panda, and Kamden made an elephant, named Elephant, of course. Once we made it to Energy Solutions Arena, the boys saw all of the different merchandise for sale - and wanted it all! Denin and I are suckers of course, so 2 hats, 2 cups, and 2 light up things later (which Kole has broke, less than 24 hours after the show), we were into our adventure a small fortune - but they had fun!

Kamden was amazed by the "real" Handy Manny, Tigger & Pooh, Little Einsteins, and Mickey Mouse, Kole liked it too, but not enough to stay awake for all of it (Kole and Grandpa, both took naps)! Below are pictures of our day: